Jahr 2011!
Picture courtesy of gallery.nen.gov.uk
It's just a simple but very meaningful greeting to all our visitors and supporters of Alvin's Bunker and reenacting history in Singapore. Let's not forget what the men, women and children went through many decades ago to ensure a peaceful world as we know today.
Picture courtesy of corrivalry.co.uk
By the way, I thought this snack I found in Candy Empire would suit the occasion just right.
It's from Scho-ka-kola (YES! THE SAME WW2 GERMAN MANUFACTURER) and these snacks are available in two flavours, Exotic Mix and Studentenfutter! Inside are smaller pieces of the original WW2 type chocolate. If you must taste German WW2 rations, start from here! I think it's about S$5.00.
The picture of the round tin is as per WW2 packaging.
Modern tin and currently available.